;mlevesgpph_f2k ;avance-version (12/01/11) ;homonuclear Hartman-Hahn transfer using MLEV17 sequence ; for mixing ;using two power levels for excitation and spinlock ;phase sensitive ; ;A. Bax & D.G. Davis, J. Magn. Reson. 65, 355-360 (1985) ;T.-L. Hwang & A.J. Shaka, J. Magn. Reson., ; Series A 112 275-279 (1995) ; ;$CLASS=HighRes ;$DIM=2D ;$TYPE= ;$SUBTYPE= ;$COMMENT= prosol relations= #include #include #include "p2=p1*2" "p5=p6*.667" "p7=p6*2" "d12=20u" "in0=inf1" "d0=in0/2-p1*2/3.1416-d12" "TAU=de+p1*2/3.1416+54u" "SCALEF=p7*2/p5" "FACTOR1=((d9-p17*2)/(p6*64+p5))/SCALEF" "l1=FACTOR1*SCALEF" "DELTA=d1-8u" "acqt0=0" baseopt_echo 1 ze 4u pl19:f2 2 d1 cw:f2 ph29 3 d12 pl1:f1 do:f2 p1 ph1 d0 d12 pl10:f1 (p17 ph26) ;begin MLEV17 4 (p6 ph22 p7 ph23 p6 ph22) (p6 ph24 p7 ph25 p6 ph24) (p6 ph24 p7 ph25 p6 ph24) (p6 ph22 p7 ph23 p6 ph22) (p6 ph24 p7 ph25 p6 ph24) (p6 ph24 p7 ph25 p6 ph24) (p6 ph22 p7 ph23 p6 ph22) (p6 ph22 p7 ph23 p6 ph22) (p6 ph24 p7 ph25 p6 ph24) (p6 ph22 p7 ph23 p6 ph22) (p6 ph22 p7 ph23 p6 ph22) (p6 ph24 p7 ph25 p6 ph24) (p6 ph22 p7 ph23 p6 ph22) (p6 ph22 p7 ph23 p6 ph22) (p6 ph24 p7 ph25 p6 ph24) (p6 ph24 p7 ph25 p6 ph24) (p5 ph23) lo to 4 times l1 ;end MLEV17 (p17 ph26) 50u UNBLKGRAD p16:gp1 d16 pl0:f1 (p12:sp1 ph2:r):f1 4u d12 pl1:f1 p2 ph3 4u p16:gp1 d16 TAU p16:gp2 d16 pl0:f1 (p12:sp1 ph4:r):f1 4u d12 pl1:f1 p2 ph5 4u p16:gp2 d16 4u BLKGRAD go=2 ph31 d1 mc #0 to 2 F1PH(calph(ph1, +90), caldel(d0, +in0)) exit ph1=0 2 ph2=0 0 1 1 ph3=2 2 3 3 ph4=0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 ph5=2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 ph22=3 ph23=0 ph24=1 ph25=2 ph26=0 ph29=0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 ph31=0 2 2 0 2 0 0 2 ;pl0 : 0W ;pl1 : f1 channel - power level for pulse (default) ;pl10: f1 channel - power level for TOCSY-spinlock ;sp1 : f1 channel - shaped pulse 180 degree ;p1 : f1 channel - 90 degree high power pulse ;p2 : f1 channel - 180 degree high power pulse ;p5 : f1 channel - 60 degree low power pulse ;p6 : f1 channel - 90 degree low power pulse ;p7 : f1 channel - 180 degree low power pulse ;p12: f1 channel - 180 degree shaped pulse (Squa100.1000) [2 msec] ;p16: homospoil/gradient pulse ;p17: f1 channel - trim pulse [2.5 msec] ;d0 : incremented delay (2D) ;d1 : relaxation delay; 1-5 * T1 ;d9 : TOCSY mixing time ;d12: delay for power switching [20 usec] ;d16: delay for homospoil/gradient recovery ;l1: loop for MLEV cycle: (((p6*64) + p5) * l1) + (p17*2) = mixing time ;inf1: 1/SW = 2 * DW ;in0: 1/(1 * SW) = 2 * DW ;nd0: 1 ;ns: 2 * n ;ds: 16 ;td1: number of experiments ;FnMODE: States-TPPI, TPPI, States or QSEQ ;use gradient ratio: gp 1 : gp 2 ; 31 : 11 ;for z-only gradients: ;gpz1: 31% ;gpz2: 11% ;use gradient files: ;gpnam1: SMSQ10.100 ;gpnam2: SMSQ10.100 ;Processing ;PHC0(F1): 180 ;PHC1(F1): -180 ;FCOR(F1): 1 ;$Id: mlevesgpph,v 2012/01/31 17:56:33 ber Exp $